Thursday, October 19, 2023

more pics of my wife and me

Do you like her?   I love Her so much.   She is my whole world.   I love you baby.

new post

  I have completely forgotten about this blog, until my beautiful wife, Malisa saw it.  No I'm not dating Natasha anymore.  I found a hot sexy woman at Supranaturals and instantly crushed hard for her. Unfortunately she was with another guy, so I couldn't tell her how I really felt about her.  So any way, I got tired of the way supra didn't pay well, so I quit to go to a better job.   I lost touch with mali for a while.   Suddenly she contacted me, and I found out that she wasn't with anyone, so I asked her out.  She said yes, and I was so excited.  We went on a few dates, and then she moved in with me to get away from her abusive ex.  I really love her so much.  We make a cute couple.      

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Has it really been that  long since I have posted on my blog?  I really need to keep up with this.  I have not worked at Knight for over a year.  I now work at Supranaturals.  We do supplements and shampoo and other bottled products for other companies.  We just got the Zarbees Costco account, and it is worth $50 million to the company.  Talk about job security, huh?  So anyway, I will try to be more diligent on this blog.

By the way, I am writing to a beautiful woman named Nataliya Stepanova.  I hope to see her soon in russia.  I might have to give her this blog address so she can read about me, and find out about things.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Still at knight

Well, I am still at Knight.  Apparently to get on with xtreme trucking, the country band haulers, you have to work for lessors trucking, which is a refrigerated carrier.  I do not want to work for Lessors because I've worked before with those, and it sucks.  So, i am still working around that.  I will keep you posted.

Friday, August 2, 2013

New life

Well I am currently working with Knight transportation, but since I found out how to apply for my dream job, I am going to try to get with a country band and drive for them.  Is that cool or what?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here is a video by Jim Gaffigan titled "bowling"  off of his DVD "beyond the pale"


Saturday, February 25, 2012


I am not dead.   I have just been really busy.  I will try to post more often.