Thursday, December 30, 2010

happy new year!

Well, here it is, the time for a new year to begin. 1 more day, and it will be 2011. Happy new year!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


2 more days until Christmas! I am not so excited for it. I won't be getting anything I want, so I don't care. I am working at Verio now, and I have my own private server. cool, huh?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear brett, happy birthday to me!!
In case you couldn't tell, it is my birthday today.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sea Bee Ball

I am in the navy seabees. Of course you would know that if you read my other blog. Anyway, Our unit wants to have a SeaBee ball in March. March 5, to be precise. That is the SeaBee birthday, and it is also a Saturday. I want to take someone with me, but it might not happen. We will see. A military ball is like a prom, Formal. Dress in your dress whites, and the women wear cocktail dresses. It is nice, and you get food too.

NCAA Football 2005

I have NCAA Football 2005 by EA Sports that I have custom made teams in. I like 2 of the teams, one is the Orem comets, and the other is the St. George Alligators. Right now the Comets are ranked #10 in the nation and the Alligators are ranked #1. I am watching a game right now between the Comets and the Florida State Seminoles. The Comets are winning 7 to 0.

Monday, December 6, 2010


There is a new website that is pretty interesting. It is called SCP (Secure, Contain, Protect.) It is a top-secret organization that has many kinds of dangerous objects. Here is an extract:

Item #: SCP-238

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-238 is currently contained by the original means. Current SCP protocols have proven unable to fully contain SCP-238. All exploration of SCP-238 is suspended until full, sustained containment has been achieved. Any and all personnel attempting to enter SCP-238 are to be physically restrained and moved to an outside containment area. Upkeep of the current barrier is top priority, and a minimum of two members of personnel are to be present at all times for upkeep and security.

No testing, samples, or exploration may be conducted within SCP-238 until full containment of SCP-238 has been achieved, or with approval by Site Overwatch. Any and all persons entering are to be deemed missing, presumed dead.

Description: SCP-238 is a enormous underground facility, with a single entrance on the island Ostrov Shmidta to the extreme north of Russia. Tunnel networks have been shown to extend for thousands of kilometers, with major "Junctions" under [DATA EXPUNGED]. "Oceanic Junctions" have also been observed to include several connections to [DATA EXPUNGED]. When originally found, the entrance was sealed behind a massive wall of bricks, covered in carvings. This wall was removed, and exploration began. Initial tests showed that the walls of SCP-238 were primarily fossilized tissue of unknown origin. Several structures within the facility led initial exploration teams to conclude that SCP-238 is or was at least half biological.

Interested? The web site is HERE.

Check it out, and see what you think.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Face Paint

By the way, Michaels wife Mary, does face painting. She is really good at it. She does parties, and charges $40 an hour. Plus transportation to the site. Here is a picture of Dustin's arms with a snake and a scorpion on them.

She will probably do Dustin's birthday party at Trafalga. If you are invited, you can get your face painted too. She also does adults.


Today we (me and Dusty) went up to Michael Monson's house to Celeste's birthday. She was really excited to see me and Dusty. (I think she has a mild crush on dusty. She always wants to be by him.) We had fun. It is quite the drive to Michaels house though, considering that they live in Hyrum, and we live in Elk Ridge. That is a one way trip of 135 miles. So anyway, Mike and I have been friends for more than half our lives. We are really close. I am so happy that Mike and Mary are so happy together. Well, I will see you later. CAIO!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Yay! I have a job now. It starts on the 13th of this month. I will be doing Linux tech support. I am so excited. They have to do a background check on me, but I should be good because I have never been arrested for anything. I am so excited! I can't wait to get started. It is a contract to hire position. I just have to show them that I can do the job, and they may take me on full-time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Month!!

Well, Welcome to the month of December! This is the month of my birthday, and also Christmas!
I had a job interview yesterday, and you are not going to believe this, but one of the people that was interviewing me was named Michael Monson. Can you believe that? Had the same name as my friend. What a weird coincidence that was, right? I was interviewing for a tech support job with Verio. I would do Linux tech support. Hopefully, I did well enough on the test and in the interview that they take me on. It would be a contract to hire position. Hopefully, they like me enough to hire me full time. My son likes this one website that lets you create your own pokemon cards. It is here. Here is a card that he made:

And here is the complimentary video:

Anyway, I will post again, soon. Caio!